On the Easel

Spring is here! The serviceberry trees are in bloom at Bronte park.
Dance of Berry Blossoms, 30”x48”, acrylic on canvas

I went to the woods to watch the movement of sunlight.
April Evening, 36”x36”, acrylic on canvas

My favourite !6 mile ravine in the fall.
Dyptich, 2x30"x40", acrylic on canvas, SOLD

The buds are opening.
Leaves and Clouds, 30”x40”, acrylic on canvas

Early spring evening, Dundas valley.
Into the Spring!, 30”x48”, acrylic on canvas, SOLD

In this work I tried to capture the impermanence of the subject and subjectivity of perception, to create the illusion of movement and colour change.
Dancing Shapes or The Lake of Santa Rosa, 24”x24”, acrylic on canvas

I am the forest, with every brunch I love the sun and follow her path beyond. I am the forest of many colors, I am dying for winter, anticipating the new beginning. My roots are filled with sap, and my dry lives sing in the wind. Dance in me, the light, in every twig from yesterday and the bud of tomorrow. The softness of moss, the patterns of rocks, the lushness of mud. The stream is my life, and the sound that wakes me up. Dance with me, the light, in every colour of twigs, I am the sun too.
16-mile Creek, 36”x48”, acrylic on canvas SOLD